Friday 30 March 2012

Been Awhile

Hey Folks,

Apologies about my tardiness, it has been near 9 months since i last posted. A lot has happened since i last posted, several films have been made, even more have been watched. AClique is getting bigger and bigger and its a great feeling. We recently had a write up from Rockstar Network about our Max Payne Trailer. IGN has also had a chat with us about it. The full short film will be out VERY soon. (Max Trailer) AClique have discovered some new great talent, Nathalie Tobin(Actress/Model), Pat Fitz(Singer/Songwriter/Actor), Dee O Neill(Make Up Artist). We are delighted to have the guys on board. All the boys are very good, Donal is hitting film after film out, Warren is in the pre-production stage of his third installment of the lovable rouge Webster's adventures, EASILY LOST is the working tittle of the new script. Kevin is working on a new Horror film that is gonna be a great addition to the AClique Filmography. Cian has a new girlfriend, but his head is still in game, He is currently working on fx for MAX the film. Adam is working on his anime, QUESTION OF GOD, which looks outstanding. Mike is working on a web series of an elderly old man who mental abuses his servant. I'm working on FATHER, which was written by our very own Tom White. Father is the sequel to Mother. Will is Still Jumping around the place. While all this is going on, we are all working on VICIOUS. Shoot is going great. Filming should finished mid april and then the Post-production shall begin. Then there will be a Premiere thrown in there somewhere. Might be looking at a Night Premiere. That's it really for now. I will try to keep up with the blog and i'll to talk to ya soon.

Shot From Vicious-->

That's the news for now, I'm not wearing any pants and jellyshots all round.


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Sunday 31 July 2011

Just a few things..

Disposed. That's the tittle of my new film. First draft is finished. Gonna keep tipping away on it and it should be with ye before October. It's a short film about getting by with a little help from your friends. Tom white has handed us two scripts, one written by himself "Mother" and "Change" which was written by Darragh Keating. Work has begun on both scripts. AClique also received a script from Micheal O' Dowd, a nice, quick and edgy comedy. Production will begin shortly on that.

Now i was the first person to tut when i saw the trailer for this film. The director Joe Johnson has let me down before, but not with this one. I truly enjoyed this film. I really did. It had enough action, comedy and cheese to satisfy. A close friend of mine said " it's the first time in a long time, that i didn't look at my watch through a film".
I recommend it to you my friend. 7/10 !!!

Saturday 25 June 2011

Can women be as funny as men ? (in films) plus more..

Hey guys

This questions came up due to the release of Bridesmaids.

So now i ask the question, Can women be just as funny or even funnier then men?(in films)
I honestly believe no they can't . I've watched my share of films in the past and  i  can honestly say that i have found men to be much funnier. You can argue the point with "yeah  you can say that because those parts were written for men etc" but the only reason i believe that men are funnier is because men can take the piss out of themselves better more so than women. Now i have yet to see Bridesmaids, so i can judge it YET, reviews are  good, some are saying better than original hangover , so this week i shall check it out and let you know what i think.  If you disagree with me post it beneath this blog. i'd like to hear what you have to say. So a quick rundown on why i'm asking this, Knocked up, comes to mind because its the same writer and producer Judd Apatow. Katherine Higel is not that funny in knocked up , she is the reacting character to Seth Rogen playing Seth Rogen once again. Even tho she is the main star she's not funny. There are a few more i will go into soon. Now i spoke to my girlfriend and got her side of the story, she agreed with me in a way, she said "1 in 8 guys are funny, where 1 in 20 women are funny." her words not mine.
Now don't get me wrong i'm only a small bit sexist, i do believe there are funny women out there.
Kristen Wiig, the main lead in Bridesmaids, is hilarious and the reason i'm eager to see it because she wrote the film. Also there is Tina Fey, shes funny and i'm a fan of 30 Rock, but then mainly for Alec Baldwin. Isla Fisher is hilarious in Hot Rod & Wedding Crashers, but i wanna leave this argument for now until i see Bridesmaids.

I wanna say something quick about The Green Lantern. I dont see why this film is being slated, i really don't. I enjoyed the hell out of it. Ever since The Dark Knight was realesed critics expect every comic book adaption to be up the or even better than The Dark Knight, which is Stupid, Take The Green Lantern for what is is, The story is GOOD, the acting is BRILLIANT and the FX are V.GOOD and over all i give it 7.5 /10.

Thats all for me folks for now.

so as a famous news anchor once said
"That's the news, I am not wearing underwear and Jelloshots all around."

Wednesday 15 June 2011

New Blog Baby !!

Hello to you,

I am the Kerry Man living in cork and making films for a living. Reading that back i honestly don't think you could write that even if you tried. I work with the team known as AClique Productions. We met in college, Clique and here we are three years later, still together, a back-log of films, documentaries, adverts and sketches that any film maker would be proud of.

In this blog you can expect film reviews on the newest and oldest films around, I'm gonna be reviewing from On The Water Front with Brando to Transformers 3 : The Dark Side Of The Moon. Also on the blog the latest updates with our work in AClique, films, News and everything else Aclique.

I'm going to leave you with this classic which I'm going to watch tonight.
Check back for info on Acliques latest film ACES UNDER.

so as a famous news anchor once said
"That's the news, I am not wearing underwear and Jelloshots all around."
